Sunday, June 13, 2010

Engineering Solutions

I started this Blog to engage the engineering community in addressing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill issues and brainstorming possible solutions. I will open the discussion with the "Rate of Flow" topic but feel free to take it anywhere you like. Please keep it to a discussion of solutions and avoid the vilification of government or industry. I'll start with a discussion of the rate of flow from the well.

There seems to be an obsession in the media over the quantity of flow from the Deepwater Horizon spill. The total size of the spill will be important for assessing the extent of damage caused but for now, it seems like an unnecessary distraction. It also seems like a fairly simple hydraulics calculation now that the well pipe has been cut.
I have no experience with oil wells but I do have experience with fire flow testing at fire hydrants where flow rates are typically in the range of 1000 gallons per minute (equal to 34,286 oil barrels per day). To measure the rate of flow from a fire hydrant we use a simple pitot tube (pitometer) placed into the stream of flow to measure gage pressure. I don't know why the same technique would not work in this case.

Alternatively, the rate of flow could be calculated from information that already exists:

1. Pipe diameter
2. Pipe length
3. Roughness of the interior pipe surface
4. Head loss (the difference in pressure between the oil reservoir and ocean floor)

If you want to submit your ideas directly to the response team go to the Alternative Technology Response Form at:

or submit a white paper at:

Find some useful technical data at:

Bill Dunn, P.E., President
SunCam, Inc.


  1. It seems to me that a very large high strength concrete donut like collar maybe 36' in diameter and 3' thick (for it's weight) could be cast, cured for three days in steam and placed over the leak and secured to the ocean floor with large screws, much like house trailer tie downs but stronger.
    The inner hole would have a slightly oversize diameter commensurate with the opening of the leak with a twist lock opening much like a medicine bottle.
    Straight wall pipe could be placed over the leak and twist locked into place then joints added until depth was diminished so that methane would not freeze, then pump the captured oil onto tankers.

  2. How about insert a bladder past the open end of the pipe and then inflate it with seawater like a plumbers plug.

  3. How about drilling a hole beside the existing well and setting off an explosive device in the new hole to crush the existing hole. This could be done deep enough to not disturb the ocean floor nor would it create a sunami. Even a small nuke might be appropriate.

  4. I thought of possibly being able to install some sort of catheter tube device which would allow for insertion into the pipe allowing the oil to bypass through the catheter until it was properly fixed into place then inflate the catheter tube with sea water, cement, etc. closing of the leak (just like the bladder idea). The outside of the catheter could be stretched like the medical device used in opening arteries, then the inner bag is inflated as discussed above.

  5. Inserting an inflatable plug like an angioplast seems like it would be viable and conform to the irregularities of the pipe. It could also be removed easily when a solution is developed to capture the valuable oil from this well rather than permanently capping it.

  6. What about installing a subcasing inside of the existing well. Run it down a few hundred feet, then cap off the subcasing. Grout the annualar space if required for a perfect seal.

  7. How about inserting a plug made up of progressivly larger cones connected to a shaft. Similar to an arrow design except conical. It goes in but doesn't come out allowing time to for a concrete plug behind it to cure?

  8. I wish there was better definition of the problem by BP. I am just guessing at this point, but I think one of the issues that has to be taken into account is the dissolved methane gases in the oil. Currently, the oil is fizzed up with the gas like a shaken up soda. Again I am guessing, but i surmise that one of the goals of a stable well is to keep the pressure on while extracting the liquid oil from the bottom of the "stack". Maybe someone can weigh in and help me out here, but one of the first things I'd like to know is what are the pressures we are dealing with here? I hear numbers like 3,500 psi above the mile deep sea pressure and I just don't know. Is this the static pressure? What is the pressure at flow?
    Additionally, what are the limitations of the equipment on hand? What is the max load of an ROV. What are their capabilities as far as cranes on site? Finally, could they provide some basic information on this icing issue and the "hydrates".
    Seems to me that with better problem definition, that ideas submitted could be much more helpful, especially from the engineering world.

  9. To measure the flow, they should just measure the velocity of the oil exiting the pipe from the earlier videos before any containment attempts. Just mark the video and have a computer determine the speed. There is a direct relationship between pipe velocity and volumetric flow (just need to consult pipe flow rate table for the pipe diameter and velocity).

    To stop the flow, I thought of the inflatable device inserted into the end of the pipe as well. Alternatively, why not try some sort of hose clamp device?

  10. Pitot tube over fire plug stream: The flow out of the BOP is multi-phase flow: gas, liquid, solid. So the simple pitot tube will not work. Flow rate estimates for multi-phase flow is very difficult. From an experimental point of view it would be better to get a certain volume in a certain period of time (catch bucket, etc). Take the catch to the top and separate out the phases, measure the crude.

  11. I agree that a good hydraulics calculation is the first thing to do, but I wonder if the driving pressure is known. What about the oil/gas mixture ratio?

    Another alternative would be a direct numerical simulation (DNS) using the full unsteady Navier-Stokes equations for a three-species non-reacting medium (oil, gas, and sea water). The main input to the calculation would be a guess at the oil and gas mass flow rates. The output of the calculation would be a time-dependent color contour plot (i.e., a movie) of the turbulent structure of the oil jet. The approach would be to adjust the input mass flow rates until the computed transport speed of the turbulent structures matched the video from the sea floor.

    DNS solutions are very expensive in terms of computer time, but it may possible to use the next simpler approach, specifically, large eddy simulation (LES), where the smaller turbulent scales are represented with an engineering model.

    I would be surprised if the oil industry hasn't already done something like this.

    I work at Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC). We have people who are doing LES calculations more or less routinely.

  12. There is sufficient suspicion now that the under-seabed casing may be damaged, even admitted by BP techs. So, there is no acceptable plan to stop the flow, ie. generate full static well pressure (a stopper at or near the BP) in the casing toward the top by doing any kind of top kills. This could cause further casing damage and possible leaks out seabed fissures.

    The only plan on the table to stop the well flow completely at the BOP is to inject mud and cement at the relief wells intersection.

    I suggest everyone read/see the June 7th briefing by Kent Wells on the immediate (end-of-month) fix plans from BP That work is currently underway.

  13. Blow the well shut with directional charges (explosives)on either side. even if it still leaks it will be much less and then drill a directional well to intersect the well at a lower point (like they are planning to do now)

  14. I suspect that the lack of information from BP is driven by BP's desire to avoid liability. Until liability is defined, the engineering community as a whole will be in the dark.

  15. A simple way to stop the iol flow would be to use the robotic saw and cut a slit half way through the pipe, weld two guides to the pipe to allow a steel slide with the end shaped to fit the inside of the side not cut by the saw. Insert the slide plate into the guides and close the slide gate. The thickness of the slide plate would need to be calculated so the pressure would not deform it and a seal would be maintained until the entire section could be concrete encapsulated.

  16. depending on the diameter of the pipe, it may be possible to drop a hydraulic machine like the jaws of life and simply crush the pipe closed like a garden hose...

  17. Work now to save the Atantic. Install a 94 mile long barrier from Key West to Havana, and seal the Yucatan Channel.

  18. The problem I see with filling a catheter is the flow around as it's filled. We'd have to come up with something to "secure" it during the inflation or it'd have to be filled extremely fast.

  19. CC- You have provided the best explanation I have heard for why BP is so intent on capturing, not blocking the well. Thanks for the tip.

  20. This blog made me spend a few minutes running a few simple calculations, which I have not seen listed previously. The static pressure at 5000 feet (gulf floor) is 147 atmospheres, or 2160 psi. At 15,000 bbl/day (84,000 cu ft/day), this volume is a cube 44ft X 44ft X 44ft. Over the 52 days, at this rate, the cube to hold the oil is 163ft X 163ft X 163ft.

    Does anyone have a link to a site describing the failed blowout preventer?

    The following link is a 13 minute technical update by BP, from June 10. Interesting.

  21. Complex interfaces with the pipe at the sea floor will be nearly impossible. This seems clear with all the effort expended and no success.

    It seems the only thing to do is slide a larger pipe over the well which is attached to a suface vessel (tanker). Place the vessel under vacuum with a series of roots blowers. Add roots blowers to the constructed manifold at the surface until no oil is observed to be escaping the loose fitting at the sea floor. Traditional pumps won't work due to the multi-phase flow from the well.

  22. A cool idea:
    Put two pipes down the hole one inside the other. The bottom of each is sealed. The inside pipe has holes in the wall near the bottom. Pump liquid nitrogen down the inside pipe. It comes back up between the pipes. This freezes a plug of oil in the well pipe. This can be maintained until the well is permanently sealed or concrete could be installed to cap it.

    Leaks in oil filled underground high voltage cables use the liquid N to temporarily plug the oil on either side of a leak to facilitate repairs. For the pipe cables, this method is applied around the outside of the pipe but the concept is similar.

  23. Temperature: Issues associated with the low temperatures and methane crystals must be solved with a heated jacket. The jacket should be simple to construct by slipping a larger pipe around the end and welding solid.

  24. The Russians are 5-for-5 with similar leaks whose locations were well defined (they missed 1 that was ill defined) with a technology that we have: a 3 kton nuke.

    I know the greens will protest that "it will waste the Gulf for 20,000 years. Fact is, though, that the US has conducted ove 1000 open air/water/land nuke detonations since 1945, and none of those areas are wasted for 20,000 years.

    The process goal: a vitrified cap over the oil reserve where the leak used to be. Environmental impact would be extremely positive, relative to current status. The US has the exact payload, known as a W61, immediately available and deployable. This would, of course, have to be a federal action.

  25. Venturi.....Oil floats, so it will not be dispersed as much in the flume to the top. Whip it up to the top and construct flume from so many feet deep to surface where product can be harvested. - LC, PE inactive

  26. Gawd, will an engineer ever listen? You mire yourselves down in the details, while missing the big picture. Screw the rate of flow, concentrate on the fundamentals to solve the problem.

  27. crm-P.E. I agree with Brian--get something down there to crimp the pipe.It would not likely stop all the flow but would certainly slow it down. I don't know how much pipe is above the sea bed but this could be done several times and each crimp should progressively diminish the flow.

  28. crimp that pipe, but what about pressure? Leaks likely multiple locations...right?

  29. You have got to release the pressure, somehow. Apparently, the infrastructure is not to be trusted in these oil fields.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Dougsweet: You wanted dwg. on the BOP. This is as close as I have gotten to it:

    The BOP is only used on exploration and development operations. The BOP is removed for production operation. The dwg. has both the LMRP and the BOP which forms the entire stack.

    When the exploration drill rig, like the DWH, has to leave station for hurricane, etc. The LMRP, (Lower Marine Riser Package) hanging from the riser and drill ship, separates from the BOP. After the storm passes, the LMRP reattaches to the BOP, with ROV assist.

  32. CC above is the only one that suggested that the well pipe may not have the strength to hold the pressure if the cap is sealed. A worse fracture could occur if careful solutions are not implemented. That is why all of the discussion about pressure relief solutions is being made. Maybe a good solution would be to keep devising ways to collect 100% of the oil as it vents and get it to the nearest refinery(ies). Blocking in the flow seems risky.

  33. The only way to properly cap this well is to create a tight seal with a valve and weld. If you could create proper suction with a large pump on the surface you could use a funnel type insertion cap with a lip that could be welded into place. - mhb, p.e.

  34. Flow Measurement - two phase flow (gas and oil) at the end of pipe. Single phase flow at line pressure (1300 psi?) in pipe, gases would be compressed and insignificant. Only way to accurately measure is at line pressure or capture volume, bleed off gas and measure gas volume and then measure captured crude volume remaining. Must measure collection time for given volume. P.E.

  35. CONFINEMENT and ENTOMBMENT of Oil spill

    The solution is not in collecting the spill but in the confinement and entombment as follows:

    Confinement through an open cylindrical steel casing of 30-35 ft diameter and 100-150 ft height lowered on the sea bed around the spill.
    Entombment with heawy-weight concrete made with aggregates barite and magnetite that has a specific gravity = 5.6.
    Concrete placed through two-three tremie pipes of one ft diameter or more from a ship batching-mixing plant.
    The oil pressure will create rivulets that will wash away initially part of the concrete, but in the end the heavy weight concrete will succeed in stopping the flow.
    The diameter and height of the casing as well as the diameter of the tremie pipe could be better assessed once known the pressure and flow of the oil. Each individual spill can be treated with the same procedure, varying the diameter and height of the casing. This procedure is similar to the construction of deep foundations but with the employment of heavy weight concrete.

    Dante, P.E.

  36. Many of the current approaches are attempting to do too much too quickly. The flow rate from this leak is so great, the solution should be taken in small steps, slowly throttling down the flow until it is more controllable. My proposal: secure 4 long posts into the ocean floor surrounding the leaking pipe. bring down large screens, with pre-drilled holes to fit over the posts, and secure onto the posts. THe first several screens will be very course mesh, probably not blocking much flow, but providing the horizontal surface to support the next sets of screens. Each additional screen should be constructed of smaller mesh. Once the flow rate is reduced to a more manageable level, a cap can be placed on top of the pile of screens to either collect the smaller flow or secure it.

  37. I think CC is right. There's some unrevealed reason why this thing can't just be capped.
    In the underground utilities field there are line stops, insertion valves, and balloons used to tap into and plug hot lines under hundreds of psi. Not to mention that by the looks of the video they're right by an exposed, bolted flange. With the dexterity they've exhibited thus far with the robots I would think they could unbolt the flange and put the appropriate valve in its place and then slowly close it. UNLESS the well casing is compromised elsewhere

  38. I am not sure about the ductility of the pipe but I was thinking about simply crushing the pipe with a some hydralics. This probably wouldn't completely stop the flow but it should reduce it enough so some of the other methods could be used to catch or contain the rest. This may not work if the pipe is too brittle but it is simple and could be done immediately. All of the things BP has tried so far have been attempts to save the well. They have no intentions of capping it because they have a lot of $ in it and it is a very producive well. PE

  39. We also need to look at removing or destroying the oil before it reaches the coast and treating the dispersed oil residue on the beaches/wetlands/marshes that remains after the oily liquds and solids have been manually removed.

    The reagents used to clean up contaminated groundwater is a starting point to get ideas I have used a 5% solution of hydrogen peroxide injected around the perimieter and in the middle of the groundwater plume to destroy the petroleum compounds. Increased dissolved oxygen to above 9% is benificial side effect that encourages the natural occuring petroleum-eating bacteria to growth.

    A similar strength solution can be applied over the impacted water and beaches using a crop dusting plane. It could take up to 5,000 gallons per acre to destroy a major portion of the sheens and dissolved plume. Even if the application does not destroy much of the surface layer, the increase in oxygen could encourage natural biodegradation processand keep dissolve oxygen above fish kill levels

    Hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in Clorox 2 and other biodegradable bleach.

    After the oily material is removed from the surface, apply a biodegradation reagent 2 to 4 feet below the surface of the beaches and coastline to destroy the dissolved compounds that were not physically removed. This is a common practice in groundwater remediation to keep the plume for moving off-site.

    The USEPA and state environmental agencies have approved over 100 reagents for use in groundwater remediation including sites where tides influence groundwater quality.

  40. I'm sure the Navy has an old ship or two in the boneyard. It would require significant engineered control, but sink a huge ship over the well head. It would no only cap the well, but also create an artifical reef.

    Tim, P.E.

  41. ESW hit the nail on the head from what I've been seeing as well; but with the possible damage below the seafloor, a shut off solution appears out of the question. Can't the flanged connection be used to connect a new full size collector pipe? But one problem with any collection to ship solution is hurricane season.

  42. A donut bladder could be attached to the exterior of the pipe. A collared attachment below the current rigid flange would counter the pressure from the oil flow and hold the bladder in-place. The donut bladder would be inflated with sea-water, restricting the opening in a uniform fashion. A pipe with a balloned tip is inserted into the opening and the bladder is inflated. The point is not to stop the oil flow, but direct it in a manner by which it can be collected. The pressures are too great to stop the flow at the primary well-head.

  43. How about making some sort of adapter that would tap itself into the inside wall of the pipe. The threaded end could effectively cut threads into the inside wall of the pipe. This "fitting" would have a valve attached to the end so that once it was installed, the valve could be closed. Maybe the tool for securing this thing could be attached tot eh outside of the pipe like a Mega-lug pipe restraint commonly used in water main construction.

  44. A large steel cylinder with a telescoping sleeve could be placed over the well. The bottom of the cylinder would be open allowing the existing flow out. The top of the cylinder would have a cap and and a valve through which concrete could be pumped through. Once sufficient concrete flow was established the outer sleeve of the cylinder could be released covering the lower section. Given enough weight of concrete, the flow should be stopped even if the concrete has not set up.

  45. There is a recent video being circulated in emails that shows two men demonstrating the ability of straw and various dry grasses to remove oil from water. They use two large bowls of water, added oil, then threw in the grass. He swishes it around then laddled out the grass. All the oil was on the grass - the organics stick to it like a mop. The water was clean. Unfortunately the local birds and creatures are the mop. Its "sticky" to hydrophobic materials like our skin. The straw floats, can absorb a lot, can be "harvested", forms a media for biodegradation of the oil, could be blown off a ship by readily available construction equipment, and moves with the same currents. Would be cheaper and likely better than oil booms. It was an interesting video. Some clean up efforts would give hope to a lot of people while a solution is found.

    As for the concrete donut idea - fasten rubber mats or truck tire type bumpers - thick, to the bottom of the concrete so the weight of the concrete and anchors fastening it down compress the rubber against the well casing.

  46. Concrete will cavitate at velicities of more than 20fps. If it is likely that a cavity exists at the bottom of the well, then a smaller pipe with a spring loaded, folding head (like a folding collander) could be inserted to the bottom of the well. Oil pressure would keep the folding head compressed while inserting. Once beyond the bottom of the well the spring would expand the head and oil pressure would push it against the pipe end. This should seal the well or at least slow flow sufficiently that the well could be sealed with heavy mud and concrete.

  47. If you look at the video you will see a bolted flange below the cut off pipe remove that flamge and insert a new flange with a valve or connection or both on it, then shut it off. Its more detailed then this but you get the idea.

  48. As far as clean up, why have we not brought in super tankers with there large pumps and pump the oil and sea water onto other tankers that can bring the oil to the refinery and then return the sea water after seperation to the sea. This has been done before with good results. This would help what is leaking be captured rather than just float around waiting on a skimmer to come.

  49. I take it the pressure is so large Plus the depth at 1 mile or 5280 ft= r x H = 64.6 lbm/ft3 x 5280 ft x 1 ft2/ 144 in2 = 2,368 psi.
    Therefore, the total pressure = X psi at the broken pipe + 2,368 psi

    Now, we know it would be better to bring the oil up to the surface of the ocean and works with the X psi
    Rather than X + 2,368 psi. under the ocean.

    Let use robot undersea to slip the larger dia. Pipe with pre-attached flexible hose about 1 mile long
    So it will carry oil to the surface and transport to the tanker.. .

  50. Nice to see alot of comments.
    The answer is letting everyone who wants to work, go out and clean it up.
    Foot prints are not going to ruin oily estuarys and marshes. Get a bale of straw, grass cuttings or anythong and clean up oil.

    Send all unemployed people to the area with a one day training and go to work

  51. I can not even comprehend the enourmous pressures involved, but here is my suggestion. Place a much larger pipe over the existing pipe so that the flow is unrestricted. This pipe would need a built in valve or plug that could be activiated by the underwater robots. This valve could be as simple as a two thick steel plate that slide inward via slots in the pipe and meet at the mid point of the oversized pipe. Place concrete at the base of the new pipe to lock it in place and seal the bottom of the pipe against the oil pressure. Close the valve or plug. Fill the balance of the pipe with concrete.

  52. Global Envirosystems NOMOR system can save the ecosystem from being destroyed if only BP will contact them. See there solution on YouTube

  53. Welding on the BOP: Are there American Welding Society or American Petroleum Institute process specs for welding in salt water at 5000 feet? I have not seen or heard of such at that depth. I have seen it at more shallow levels by humans. The petroleum engineer I know, says it will not work. While watching the ROV work, I have not seen welding at the seabed level.

  54. Why did the cut the pipe at the top of the riser? if they unbolted the top pipe that is broken, they could bolt on a good pipe with fittings and everything to the top of the riser and not use the lame Top hat.

    Also, why not but a curtain of geotextile around the riser. A long cylinder of fabric/plastic could channel near 100% of the plume to a chosen boomed off area at the surface. The target area could act as a reservoir where multiple ships could pump and process it without worrying about the direction of subsurface plumes or chasing the cloud as it drifts up a mile. No muss, no fuss, no hydrates

  55. Every engineer begins his thoughts with "we need more data," in this case, though I think that's so. I believe that there must be physical site conditions besides depth which have prevented the able minds of BP engineers from simply gaining access to the well head. Remember that there was a floating rig that burned and sank a mile above. The outstanding questiont (to me) include: Did that junk plop down through a mile of sea water and now rests atop the well head in a pile of junk? Are there MEANINGFUL pictures of the site? Why didn't the giant box atop the well head work? Why didn't the smaller cap/funnel work? I'm wondering if those failures aren't the result of a very constricted space in which to work and obtain/maintain a seal. Moreover, they recently cut the well head pipe and ran into trouble making a clean cut to the point where they bound the saw and had to make a new cut with hydraulic shears. You can bet THAT'S a mess and no longer even sort of round. Who can provide this sort of information? We're engineers and work with things that WE CAN SEE!

  56. Bob says, why not try slipping a 30 foot long insulated sleeve over the broken pipe. Seal the top and bottom of the sleeve. Fill the sleeve with liquid nitrogen until the pipe and oil freeze keep it frozen until the pipe is capped. The pressure is high but the freezing process should create layers of ice until the pipe is blocked.

  57. To Jarhead,

    Did that junk plop down..? No the DWH hit bottom about a mile away. The riser kept it from coming straight down.

    Are there meaninful pictures of the site...? Yes, you can watch the 12 ROV feeds here in real time: (not all are on simultaneously).

    Why didn't the giant box [BOP] atop the well head work...?: That is the question of the century. ROVs kept trying to get it to work even after the rig exploded and was burning.

    Why didn't the smaller cap/funnel work...? Methane Clathrate Hydrate [see wikipedia]precipitated out when the well brew contacted seawater. As this strange chemistry occured, it froze solid and blocked the nozzles.

    The same strange chemistry formed within and stalled out the diamond wire saw while it was attempting to make the clean cut. Also, as seen later, that section of riser had two drill pipes in it side by side, and either drill mud or cement within the drill pipes. This discovery and why the two drill string pieces were there side by side is also a continuing mystery according to BPs Kent Wells.



  59. In 1973, I made the first ever subsea automated pipeline to pipeline connection. I utilized a collet connector with two ball joint swivels to make sure flanges were aligned to prevent leakage. The ROVs could simply cut away the top flange, the collet connector could mate up a matching flange. Any size pipe or valves could be used. The equipment used to handle this kind of rig is big and would not even be stressed. I am certain that BP engineers have drawn on industry experts and that the fix for this particular situation will be something extremely innnovative and probably very complex. Cameron Ironworks makes the collet connector and they make the swivels as well. Those guys have a huge research operation. Since they supplied the BOP, I am certain their engineers are on this deal.

  60. It sounds like plugging the leak is not an option since this is creating new leaks. Therefore, the oil must be removed as it is flowing out of the well. If a containment structure could be built from the ocean floor around the well to the surface (large enough to limit internal pressure), then the oil would be contained and ships could suck up the oil from nozzles in the containment wall close to the top. The containment structure would have to have a degree of flexibility, and some sort of stabilization system would have to be added to the top to keep it properly aligned. Some sort of flare system could be built over the top of the containment with blowers if necessary to handle the gasses. I realize that building such a tall containment structure in the middle of the ocean would be an engineering feat, but the drilling rigs and platforms are pretty amazing feats as well.

  61. This is way out there but it could work. Polypropylene is naturally oleophilic and hydrophobic, it works the same way as the kitchen gadget material that is used to extract excess grease off of soups and the like (see Pampered Chef, Grease Mop). Imagine a big shrimp trawler with a net made of fuzzy polypropylene yarn. The net would be cylindrical instead of rectangular. By continuously pulling in the net from one side, squeezing it between rollers, and letting out over the opposite side, a trawler could potentially collect a lot more oil, in rough seas, with much less water, than a skimmer ship could. E.W., P.E.

  62. I agree with jdr742. Use a freeze seal plug of liquid nitrogen, however I'd do it a little differently. I would wrap the pipe with a flexible hose and then pump liquid nitrogen through the hose (circulate it) allowing the drop in temperature to freeze the methane into crystals and create a more viscous oil mixture that would eventually lose its energy and become a solid mass in the pipe and seal it. The pipe could then be capped and permanently sealed.

    Someone asked about pressure and someone else identified it as 2160 psi. When I was in the Navy we used a rule-of-thumb of 44psi/100 feet of seawater. That yields 2200 psi at 5000 feet.

    I know at work a few of us worked on the discharge of oil and came up with 40-90 million gallons total (10 days ago). The variance is because we were calculating for 8", 10", and 12" pipe.

  63. Depth and distance down make a lot of resistance to overcome in the mile long pipe riser with the bell and pipe set up now inplace. A second smaller pipe from the surface, fed through the bell a short distance up the riser pipe would set up a fluid pump using the venturi principal. Pumping fluid from the surface would increase the hydrostatic velocity in the riser and generate suction in the bell, letting less oil escape.

  64. Gerry Parker - SC PEJune 15, 2010 at 11:07 AM

    I've read the posts to date. Since it is likely another rupture would occur if leak is capped, I think the best solution is sending a big pipe - corrugated plastic (HDPE) down to cover the entire apparatus that is leaking. The first section with anchors could be 60" in diameter and about 30' long. Attach the anchors - say 4 of them with ropes so that a decent level end of pipe is realized. The anchors would have to be sized to overcome the bouyance of the mile long flexible plastic pipe. That's simple math. The rest of the sections could then quickly reduce down to a diameter of say 18" that proceed to sea level - basically a long storm pipe with a big end to capture the free flowing oil. A pump could assist getting the water/oil mix up into a tanker. Collecting the free flowing oil at the source is the only way to minimize the leak until relief wells are installed. I'm sure there are suppliers of plastic flexible pipe that can ship a mile of pipe quickly. This is a simple technique that would capture a lot of oil. I don't know much about the freezing aspect, but I'm sure something could be sprayed into the first section of pipe to help reduce the freezing.

  65. The only whay they can stop the gushing oil and methane from the damaged riser is if the tophat is clamped in some way to the connection flange, and a rubber seal is compressed against the top corner of the riser flange in the clamping action. The top hat installed right now is being forced up by the well pressure.

  66. Line up barges around the well and and rubber seal the spaces and suck the oil within the secured area. David Arabi P.E.

  67. for you guys who already suggested an inflateable bladder, it's already been invented...It is a "DRAIN KING" device. using hydraulic oil and heavy duty hose, ramp up the pressure to about 2500 psig while sinking the bladder/hose.The bladder could then be inserted in the pipe; inflated with hydraulic controls from the surface ship and...STOP the flow. the bottom of the bladder must be plugged. Remember, it's all about differential pressure.
    Although not permanent, it could stop the damage until august.

  68. Stuart from IUPUI in indianapolis,
    It is my understanding there is still drill pipe in the bore. This alone negates any effort to stop the flow below the cracked/damaged and leaking casing. any attmept to stop the flow above the damaged casing and you will blow oil into the basaltic bedrock. Then we are out of luck. The focus must be from the well head and up. More later.

  69. I am suggesting casting a tapered steel cone, similar to the shape of a plumb-bob, only at a much longer taper relative to its maximum diameter, which would ultimately be greater than the inside diameter of the leaking pipe. The cone’s taper would be of a length that would allow it to be inserted gradually and very deeply into the pipeline to a depth where the diameter of the cone nears the inside diameter of the opening of the pipe. Attached to and radiating out from the top or wide end of the cone, would be a massive reinforced concrete ring (imagine that a very long plumb bob had a monster truck tire on its top). The size of this ring would be of a weight much greater than the calculated total pounds per square inch at the leak site, multiplied by the area of the leaking pipe opening. The ring would be large enough to extend down to the ocean floor once the insertion is complete, to help balance the device and act as a support to prevent its weight from resting directly on the pipe to prevent further damage to the pipe. There would need to be open areas in the ring (like a spoked car wheel) to allow the residual oil to escape and not build up pressure underneath it. This device would not completely stop the flow of oil, but I believe it would cut the flow significantly.
    Years ago, I had the experience of plugging a large 5” to 6” diameter hole in the bottom of a high pressure steel waterline (150 psi) by shaping a large wooden block to a tapper and attaching it perpendicularly to the end of a large timber 16 feet long. We laid the center of the timber across some stacked railroad ties creating a fulcrum and slid the timber with the tapered wooden block under the leak. Using a backhoe we were able to force the tapered block up into the leak cutting the flow to a spray. I understand that the pressures in the BP well leak are incredibly high, but I would think the same principles as this example may apply. It might at least cut some of the flow until the relief well is completed.

  70. Alan Moreton (PE) said...
    Below is a rough calculation of anticipated total volume of spill if none is captured – these calculations need checking – based on last night’s news.

    Obviously, concentrated plumes are hazards to wildlife endanger beaches and wet-lands should be prevented as much as possible by ERP (Response).

    But if these estimates are correct, if and when fully dispersed the total seems an “insignificant” concentration.

    If so, then apart from essential clean-up (Recovery) there appears to be long term hope.

    Several friends, professional colleagues and professors traded comments on ideas – it was more than an interesting exercise. Bottom line; we concluded that even if someone thought up a “magic-fix”, to stop the flow, it is highly unlikely it could be reviewed, accepted, mobilized, fabricated and installed any faster than current relief well drilling.

    Rough Calculation: (Please check)
    AISC Steel Manual Tables of Weights and Measures:
    Based on 1 oil barrel = 42 US gallons
    1 cu ft = 6.22905 Imp. Gallons

    1 Imp Gall = 1.20091 US Gallons
    I c ft = 6.22905 * 1.20091 = 7.48053 US gallons

    Then 1000 Barrels = 42,000 US Gallons
    = 42,000 / 7.48053 = 5615 cu ft

    Given 1 acre = 4840 SY = 43560 SF then

    1000 barrels floods an acre to a depth of 1.55 inches approx

    In units of “Acre Feet” 1 acre foot = 7,757 barrels

    Roughly 1 acre-foot = 8,000 barrels say

    35,000 barrels per day (minimum estimate) = 4.51 acre-feet
    60,000 barrels per day (max) = 7.74 acre-feet

    Since commencing until estimated closing at say late agust = approx
    10 + 31 +30 +31 +20 = 122 days

    Total MIN volume = 122 * 4.51 = 550 acre feet
    Total MAX volume = 122 * 7.74 = 944 acre-feet = about 1000 acre feet

    Area of gulf?

    Roughly at least 1000 * 500 miles (perhaps more) = 500,000sq miles = 320 million acres

    Flooded to a depth of 1000/320,000,000 * 12 inches = 0.000038 inches

    Someone please check my arithmetic!

    If the average depth of Gulf = say 2,500 feet (A guess)

    The concentration if flly dispersed = 1.25*10 ^-9 = immeasurably small

    Obviously local concentrations are very much greater – look at damage

    But if and when “fully dispersed” it is a miniscule total volume

    Is this correct? I ask
    Please check my calcs

    posted by the moderator on behalf of Alan Moreton (PE)

  71. Lots of good suggestions.
    My thoughts were close to many others. Design a durable fabric tube large enough to completly cover well head and obstructions. Bottom would have a heavy ring that would maintain a seal to the sea bed. Estimated 30 ft above well head this diameter would reduce do a cost effective size without creating internal pressure. From this point up, use fabric material and ballast/floatation to create a one mile, neutrally bouant conduit. At the surface, connect this to a floating containment pond held in place by fishing vessels and GPS navigation. You could then keep the pond pumped out and hopefully reclaim the crude until the relief wells are in place.

  72. I didn't realize there was a concern about the integrity of the casing below the seafloor.

    In that case I agree with the others who have proposed a flexible fabric containment device leading to the surface, where oil pumping and collection occurs.

  73. The calculation of amount of oil as insignificant is not a useful calculation. It appears the volume of the entire Gulf of Mexico is used, but the concentrations are at most over 1% of the surface area. Also due to currents, density of sea water and density of oil, it will concentrate at certain depths and the surface. Since the oil is now damaging fishing areas, probably making dead zones for oxygen, fish are congregating around piers, etc, etc the impact should not be minimized with such calculations. The damage is real. I know engineers do not tend to be environmentalists, but I have seen a profound shift in attitude by co-workers. (I live in Houston and there are a lot of La. natives in the office who are upset.)

    As far as the temporary solutions, I had been thinking about the oversized pipe over the wellhead also. Avoids the problems of fighting the well head pressure. The only negative I see is that you give up working at the well head at all. Then long term success is totally dependent on the relief wells to work - which seems like it's own technical challenge.

  74. All of the focus has been on stopping the leak. While this is certainly necessary, attention must also be directed to removing the hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of crude from the Gulf before ocean currents spread the disaster to distant shores.
    Skimmers have proven woefully inadequate, especially since it has been found that despite oils buoyant properties, in the present conditions, much of it remains submerged.
    I propose adapting pump and treat techniques used to treat contaminated groundwater. Every large oil tanker at BP's disposal should be retrofitted to become giant oil/ water separators and sent to the Gulf. The Coast Guard or Navy can use their sonar technologies to identify areas of concentrated crude in the water and BP should begin pumping these areas into the retrofitted tankers. Each Oil/ water separator tanker will need a companion tanker to haul the separated oil away to be stored in tanks on land, refined, burned for power, or some other use. BP has the resources to mobilize a continuous shuttle of these tankers.
    Granted, Pump and Treat can be very inefficient, but it has been proven effective, especially when directed at source zones. Even if the leak stops today, and I pray it will, the mess created must be addressed before it washes up where we can see it. The ocean ecosystem is too rich and sensitive to be ignored any longer. ajd, PE

  75. The value of extremes: If the gusher runs at 60,000 barrels per day for 122 days, the total volume is roughly 1000 acre feet. That is an acre of land with a vertical stack of oil 1000ft high. Each twin tower was about 200ft * 200ft in plan - nearly one acre. The maximum volume would be about 3/4 the height of one tower. We can imagine that.

    If that volume is spread out over an area roughly the size of the Gulf (500,000sm or more) the thickness is 1000/320,000,000 feet about 0.000003 feet = .000036 inches. We can imagine the Gulf covered by "oil sheen" perhaps?

    We engineers and scientists like to go to "extremes" to develop a "feel" for a problem and to establish "boundary conditions". This we did to guesstimate flows and pressures (absent reliable data from independent sources). We made broad assumptions for geology and well pressures - assuming it is similar to that of shallow areas.

    We made no claim that final dispersal is of no consequence - au contraire! Concentrated plumes very much are a real problem to be dealt with by "Recovery". Furthermore, oil concentration in plumes and likely oil damage is important to assess for operations. We say nothing of other problems such as toxicity, environment, health or clean-up on land or water - all of which are very important - for other specialists.

    We gave no thought to this problem for over 6 weeks – assuming that those in the industry must have their own solutions and know their capabilities for containment and staunching the flow. We developed a concept incorporating a smaller diameter pipe - perforated below a cap to aid oil capture - inserted into the well pipe held in place by weights hanging down the well or by a hold-down tie. It incorporated tubes for follow up grouting to seal up the well. We did this to get an idea of possible needs and time from conception to final installation. With no oil or fluid-dynamics background but decades in civil-structural, we concluded time to implement (any) alternative would take as long as relief wells.

    Moreover, all alternatives that engage the well head in some structural way are off if damaged. In that case, we think our ideas would likely have evolved to something similar to that being used - which appears structurally as "hands-off" as it can be. It takes cooperative ideas to solve problems. Voluntary aid, with proper precautions and direction can help. (Look at the historic evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940 – much by volunteers with their own boats! )

    Alan Moreton

  76. listening to testimony today, BP only pursuing relief well at this time

    no other effort per testimony by CEO today


  77. The BP team now seems to have a promising solution for capturing the oil as it flows from the well. Still a lot that is missing the cap but I don't think any of us would abandon this effort in favor of a new experiment at this point.

    Here is the latest update from BP as of 9:00 AM CDT
    Subsea operational update:

    • Optimization of the dual system, LMRP Cap and the Q4000 Direct Connect, will continue over the next few days.

    • For the last 12 hours on June 16th (noon to midnight), approximately 7,710 barrels of oil were collected and approximately 2,600 barrels of oil and 22 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.

    • On June 16th, a total of approximately 14,750 barrels of oil were collected and approximately 3,850 barrels of oil and 40 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.

    • Total oil recovered from both the LMRP Cap and Q4000 systems since they were implemented is approximately 179,000 barrels.

    • The Overseas Cascade began lightering early this morning (lightering is a process of transferring crude oil between vessels, in this case, Enterprise to Overseas Cascade).

    • The next update will be provided at 6:00pm CDT on June 17, 2010.

    Updated June 17 at 9:00am CDT / 3:00pm BST

  78. Sam's comment was an idea similar to mine. However mine was to utilize a spherical mesh around the leak, attached to the bottom of the pipe and various lines also attached to the surrounding ocean floor. Now, what material absorbs and entraps oil particles most effectively, while submerged? Human hair has been found to be very effective, but only on the surface, right?

  79. The latest update:

    For the last 12 hours on June 17th (noon to midnight), approximately 8,020 barrels of oil were collected and approximately 4,770 barrels of oil and 24.5 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.

    • Optimization of the dual recovery system continues; on June 17th, total oil recovered was aprox. 25,290 barrels.

    •approximately 16,020 barrels of oil were collected,
    •approximately 9,270 barrels of oil were flared,
    •and approximately 50.3 million cubic feet of natural gas were flared.

    • Total oil recovered from both the LMRP Cap and Q4000 systems since they were implemented is approximately 204,200 barrels.

    • The free standing riser installation is progressing for the long term containment option.

    • The next update will be provided at 6:00pm CDT on June 18, 2010.

    Updated June 18 at 9:00am CDT / 3:00pm BST

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